WE CALL TO THE ATTENTION OF EVERY MEMBER OF THE THOUSAND OAKS CITY COUNCIL: You are hereby notified that WE, the undersigned, INSIST that you adhere to the wishes of the MAJORITY of Newbury Park HOMEOWNERS AND RESIDENTS who are directly affected by the current proposed LAND USE MAP. We CALL ON YOU to support… Continue reading This is what our petition said
Category: Uncategorized
Rebuttal to Jess Weihe AKA Anonymous Mommy’s Blog Post
I want to commend AM on her detailed and thorough posts. She has clearly done her homework and makes compelling arguments. In fact, she has provided a lot of documentation which helps to make the case that the Moradian’s have not been victims but instead complicit in the outcome via a series of poor investment… Continue reading Rebuttal to Jess Weihe AKA Anonymous Mommy’s Blog Post
Where will Water for 69% MORE people come from?
We’re in a Years-Long Megadrought. With slow growth we can balance housing need and resource scarcity Rushing to build without a secure water supply is unthinkable Demand Responsible PlanningTake the Survey—Write the CouncilHOLD THE CITY ACCOUNTABLE www.CVASP.org
Would You Plan This Way?
The New Proposed Projects Throughout the City will send100,000 Additional Car Trips per Day through Intersections.Our City says that Infrastructure planning will come later. Would You Plan this Way? Where will the Funds come from to Pay for the Upgrades?Will We be Taxed? What Will Developers Pay? The City Refuses to State what A Population… Continue reading Would You Plan This Way?
Block the Bottlenecks Through the City Created by the Proposed 69% Population Increase!
We already have huge bottlenecks on the 101 fwy. as it narrowsin Newbury Park and both ways at the 23. Because the City hasnot updated roadways or on-ramps, the gridlock from theadditional 100,000 car trips through existing neighborhoods willextend into our city streets on both sides of the freeway. Take the Survey at toaks2045.orgStop the… Continue reading Block the Bottlenecks Through the City Created by the Proposed 69% Population Increase!
75’ Buildings Proposed across the Valley!
Generic Sample Above Provided for A Sense of Scale 75’: Wendy, Rancho Conejo, Ventu Park Road, Wilbur/Hillcrest , at Moorpark Rd,/ T.O. Blvd. 75’: 101/Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks Blvd. /Lakeview 75’: Lowes/ Home Depot/Target area, Ross/PetSmart area, Wendy’s area, Hotels on Ventu 75’: In ‘n Out area, Ventu North area: Ralph’s/Hotel area; from Kelly to… Continue reading 75’ Buildings Proposed across the Valley!
A Wise Person Builds on Rock— A Greedy Developer Builds on Water!
The project is on a FEMA floodplain. 300 of our neighbors’ homes would be at risk of serious flooding. Note there is no ingress/egress into this property. Solution? Below is an idea what could be built under the ‘mixed-use low’ designation, 50 feet tall. Where are the guarantees that affordable housing will actually be built?… Continue reading A Wise Person Builds on Rock— A Greedy Developer Builds on Water!
We Need Affordable Apartments, Not More Commercial Space
Why is the City Pushing Ideas Like This: Generic 75’ Mixed Use Project provided for a sense of scaleWhen we WANT and NEED this: Generic 35 foot (current max. height) apartment ideaTake the Survey—Write to Council Members Hold the Line at 35’Stop the Developer Power GrabJoin us! www.CVASP.org
By Increasing Density by 69%, Who Benefits?
Who will make windfall profits? Who accepts Developer campaign contributions?Who has received Developer Fees?Who will face gridlock? Will more Affordable units actually be built? How many?Who will pay for the upgrades to infrastructure required?Who will have their city’s character forever altered?Why was nothing ever put on the ballot?Why make changes During a Pandemic?Approve 2621 not… Continue reading By Increasing Density by 69%, Who Benefits?
What happens when the Wastewater Treatment Plant Breaks Down?
What happens when the Wastewater Treatment Plant Breaks Down?Can the Hill Canyon Plant handle the waste from a population of 218,000? Who will pay for the upgrade for a 69% population increase? When will the City Address this?Waiting till projects are built is reckless! Demand the City spell out all infrastructure changes and costs tied… Continue reading What happens when the Wastewater Treatment Plant Breaks Down?