The City Itself Should Experiment with Multi-Use Projects!

The Lakes Complex Has Never Paid for Itself Start resolving our affordable housing problem by putting Seniors with Very Low and Low-Income Right Here: At the Lakes! That’s right, ALL 165 UNITS! This might atone for past approvals of only luxury senior housing on the Blvd. Shouldn’t the City set a good example, Show It… Continue reading The City Itself Should Experiment with Multi-Use Projects!


With AFFORDABILE Housing!Now you see ‘em–Now you don’t! They say they need to build high density 75’ buildings tobring affordable housing, but then the units are luxury! T.O can do BetterWrite the Council Members—Scroll down for more… From Acorn Newspaper, Letter to Editor, April 29, 2021 By Michelle Koetke, CVASP The newly posted Preferred Land… Continue reading STOP the SHELL GAME…

There is Nothing Theoretical about NP Flooding

Credit: News Chronicle Collection, Thousand Oaks Library - 03-02-1983 Flooding on Michael Drive, 1983.

300 Newbury Park homes are in FEMA FloodplainThe developer bought the land for a song for this reason!  Imagine if the flood control parcel were built up, a50’ tall project, with 720 units/shops, displacing all that water?   Take the Survey Write to the Council members For more in-depth information,see: