The County says that the Median income for a family of four of is
97,800. “Affordable” is therefore skewed by higher earning individuals.
According to the 2020 Ventura County Income Chart:
Very Low is 39,500 for 1, 45,200 for 2 persons.
Lower (their term) is 63, 350 to 72,300.
In this 8 year cycle the State says 28%.
But that percentage doesn’t apply to OTHER PROJECTS.
The City needs to state clearly what the minimum percentage will be on
ALL new projects.
Developers are rushing to avoid the planning requirements that are
suspended until 2025. Result: More High-Priced Units, not the
Affordable Ones we Need.
This is what is REALLY Driving the Stampede to Approve Projects
Demand that All New Projects Have 50% Affordable Units