This is what our petition said
WE CALL TO THE ATTENTION OF EVERY MEMBER OF THE THOUSAND OAKS CITY COUNCIL: You are hereby notified that WE, the undersigned, INSIST that you
WE CALL TO THE ATTENTION OF EVERY MEMBER OF THE THOUSAND OAKS CITY COUNCIL: You are hereby notified that WE, the undersigned, INSIST that you
I want to commend AM on her detailed and thorough posts. She has clearly done her homework and makes compelling arguments. In fact, she has
We’re in a Years-Long Megadrought. With slow growth we can balance housing need and resource scarcity Rushing to build without a secure water supply is
The New Proposed Projects Throughout the City will send100,000 Additional Car Trips per Day through Intersections.Our City says that Infrastructure planning will come later. Would
We already have huge bottlenecks on the 101 fwy. as it narrowsin Newbury Park and both ways at the 23. Because the City hasnot updated
Generic Sample Above Provided for A Sense of Scale 75’: Wendy, Rancho Conejo, Ventu Park Road, Wilbur/Hillcrest , at Moorpark Rd,/ T.O. Blvd. 75’: 101/Moorpark
The project is on a FEMA floodplain. 300 of our neighbors’ homes would be at risk of serious flooding. Note there is no ingress/egress into
Why is the City Pushing Ideas Like This: Generic 75’ Mixed Use Project provided for a sense of scaleWhen we WANT and NEED this: Generic
Who will make windfall profits? Who accepts Developer campaign contributions?Who has received Developer Fees?Who will face gridlock? Will more Affordable units actually be built? How
What happens when the Wastewater Treatment Plant Breaks Down?Can the Hill Canyon Plant handle the waste from a population of 218,000? Who will pay for
The Vast Projects could end up as Ghost Towns, especially since so much business has moved on-line during the pandemic. Habits have changed. More people
The Missing Piece in the Affordable Housing Problem Is NOT In the General Plan! The City Planning Manager admitted that theirInclusionary Housing Policy is “outdated.”
From Nextdoor, For the Flooding Skeptics Out there:NOTHING LIKE AN EYE-WITNESS
In the frenzy of the last few months, where the Cityhas seemed apoplectic about building NOW and BIG andTALL, and DENSE, here is a humble
This isn’t A Contest for Who’s got the Biggest, Densest Projects We are NOT a One Size Fits All City!The Survey Ends on May 12
Current Proposals Would Build 50-foot Projects Homes Adjacent to Homes. One puts a dense 720 units next to homes, destroying privacy and quiet, creating traffic
The Developer claims this parcel is not a Wetland.Are you going to believe him or your own eyes?Stop Debating Semantics—It’s often Under Water!Stop Reckless Development.
Conveniently Located Along The 101 Freeway! Above You See Just One Cluster Of Hotels And Other Outsized Buildings Located At Each and Every One of
Above is the 1978 Signed County Flood Easement Document* for the Wetland at Borchard/101 In 1989, when the Developer bought the nearly 37 acres of
Adding 22,000 People to Thousand Oaks Would Be Like Adding TWO Cities of Moorpark to Our Town!Unlivable Density Number! Approve 2,621 not 22,000! Hold the
The Lakes Complex Has Never Paid for Itself Start resolving our affordable housing problem by putting Seniors with Very Low and Low-Income Right Here: At
Over FOUR times the height of the Berlin Wall! Too TALL for T.O.Hold the Line at 35’!
With AFFORDABILE Housing!Now you see ‘em–Now you don’t! They say they need to build high density 75’ buildings tobring affordable housing, but then the units
The County says that the Median income for a family of four of is97,800. “Affordable” is therefore skewed by higher earning individuals.According to the 2020
Three times the height of the Great Wall of China stacked on top of each other!Too Tall for T.O.!Demand Livable DensitiesHold the Line at 35’Protest
300 Newbury Park homes are in FEMA FloodplainThe developer bought the land for a song for this reason! Imagine if the flood control parcel were built